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Sperm from Sneaker Male Squids Exhibit Chemotactic Swarming to CO²

机译:来自sneaker male squids的精子表现出趋向于CO²的趋化



Behavioral traits of sperm are adapted to the reproductive strategy that each species employs. In polyandrous species, spermatozoa often form motile clusters, which might be advantageous for competing with sperm from other males [1]. Despite this presumed advantage for reproductive success [2, 3], little is known about how sperm form such functional assemblies. Previously, we reported that males of the coastal squid Loligo bleekeri produce two morphologically different euspermatozoa that are linked to distinctly different mating behaviors [4]. Consort and sneaker males use two distinct insemination sites, one inside and one outside the female's body, respectively. Here, we show that sperm release a self-attracting molecule that causes only sneaker sperm to swarm. We identified CO2 as the sperm chemoattractant and membrane-bound flagellar carbonic anhydrase as its sensor. Downstream signaling results from the generation of extracellular H+, intracellular acidosis, and recovery from acidosis. These signaling events elicit Ca2+-dependent turning behavior, resulting in chemotactic swarming. These results illuminate the bifurcating evolution of sperm underlying the distinct fertilization strategies of this species.
机译:精子的行为特征适应每个物种采用的生殖策略。在一夫多妻种中,精子经常形成运动性簇,这可能有利于与其他雄性的精子竞争[1]。尽管具有生殖成功的假定优势[2,3],但关于精子如何形成这种功能性组装的了解甚少。以前,我们报道了沿海鱿鱼Loligo bleekeri的雄性会产生两种形态上不同的真子拟南芥,这与明显不同的交配行为有关[4]。配偶和运动鞋男性使用两个不同的授精部位,分别在女性体内和外部。在这里,我们显示出精子释放出一种自我吸引的分子,该分子仅导致运动型精子蜂拥而至。我们确定CO2为精子趋化因子,膜结合鞭毛碳酸酐酶为传感器。下游信号传导是由细胞外H +的产生,细胞内酸中毒和酸中毒的恢复引起的。这些信号事件引发依赖Ca2 +的转向行为,导致趋化性蜂群。这些结果阐明了该物种独特的受精策略背后的精子分叉进化。



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